
My close friend David Blevins tells the following story:

“. . . I was rather sceptical about the gift of speaking in tongues. In April 2002, God took me to Kenya for the first time. You’ve heard me speak about Tuum. It’s incredibly remote, two days Land Rover trek from the nearest road and traditional Samburu. Most people, especially the girls only speak Samburu, the local dialect. They don’t even speak Swahili, the national language. On our last morning, before the sun rose, I heard people worshipping in the little church so I got up to join them. We joined hands and stood in a circle to close in prayer. Suddenly, a teenage Samburu girl with no education (she herded goats for a living) began to pray quietly to herself in the most articulate English I had ever heard before and have ever heard since. Her worship of her Creator was too beautiful to communicate in this story. Suffice to say, I repented of my scepticism and thanked the Lord for every gift He gives.”

While this story may raise some issues about the use of tongues in meetings (see 1 Cor. 12-14) I feel it is worth sharing.